News from nowhere: looking back at 2024


01/01/2024 by ChrisJamesAuthor

Dateline: 1 January 2025

As revellers around the world celebrated New Year’s Eve last night and the arrival of 2025, today we look back on what was a tumultuous 2024. The number one story of last year is the re-election of Donald Trump as president of the United States. He defied all attempts to have him struck off the ballot under Article 14 of the US constitution, which failed when the Supreme Court ruled in his favour. In addition, Trump’s first-term appointments to the Supreme Court worked hard to delay his numerous trials and indictments throughout 2024 by dragging out appeals process after appeals process. Then, his election victory was all-but-assured when Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, died from an alleged drugs overdose three weeks before polling day, which poleaxed the incumbent president with grief, leaving Trump to dominate the airwaves and gain more than enough electoral college votes to secure the White House.

Since Trump’s re-election in November, the Bidens are not the only ones to suffer unfortunate turns of events. Trump has wasted wasted little time making good on his promises to “hunt down the vermin” and punish those “traitors” who tried to stop him running for a second term last year. Before he’s even taken office, Trump has had over a thousand judges, election officials and others arrested by his fervent supporters. These are now in various local prisons awaiting trial. Local media in many states in the US report more violence, intimidation and other irregularities. But Trump has dismissed this as “libtard hysteria”.

In addition, Trump’s re-election has also sent shockwaves around the world. With his declaration that on day one of his second term, he would pull the US out of NATO and remove all military personnel and equipment from Europe, he has effectively ended the security organisation’s ability to defend its remaining members. The Kremlin was quick to point out, on 6 November, that NATO’s Article 5 was now meaningless because, without American military might, it could not be enforced. Although other NATO members, including the UK, France, and Germany, refuted this and reaffirmed their commitment to mutual defence, this was thrown into doubt the next day, 7 November, when Russia hit Kyiv with a low-yield nuclear weapon. The blast killed thousands of Ukrainians and left that country’s leadership with little option but to offer their surrender, especially when, in a fraught phone call, Trump warned Ukrainian President Zelenskyy that Putin wanted to bomb all of Ukraine with nuclear weapons, but Trump had “talked sense to Putin”. President Trump immediately took the credit for ending the nearly-four-year-long war in Ukraine within a day, as he’d said he would.

On the next day, 8 November, China attacked Taiwan. President Trump stood down all US forces in the region and again took the credit for saving thousands of US lives. Since the Chinese invasion, only sporadic reports have been received from the island with a population of 23.5 million. Most of these claim that the Chinese invaders are committing the most brutal acts of oppression against the local population, although Beijing strenuously denies these reports, calling them “typical propaganda from the discredited and defeated West”. The situation has not been helped by confirmation of the earthquake that hit the island just three days ago on 28 December 2024. Seismologists insist the destruction must be substantial but the Chinese military refuse to allow aid into Taiwan.

Meanwhile, countries in central and eastern Europe are reeling under the influx of millions of Ukrainian refugees fleeing the advancing Russian army. Numerous unconfirmed reports of summary executions and mass rape by Russian soldiers appear to be driving the exodus. The Polish president recently attacked Germany and other west European countries for closing their borders to refugees from the east, but west European leaders have insisted this step is just a “temporary measure”. Further north, concern is growing in the Baltic States in fear of a potential Russian invasion. After a year of the complete militarisation of Russian society and the supply of thousands of tanks, artillery pieces and other weapons from China, a vastly expanded Russian army has massed in Belarus and the enclave of Kaliningrad, and now threatens to engulf the small Baltic states from two directions. However, the Kremlin insists that it has no plans to invade any more neighbouring countries, calling such suggestions, “typical fear-mongering propaganda against peace-loving Russia, peddled by the discredited and defeated West”.

So, after the upheavals of 2024, what does 2025 hold? To try to find out, we spoke to a leading authority in geopolitics, the Romanian Prof. Eduard Pulamica. He explained, “As the Age of Stupid continues, we must expect such dislocations. The twentieth century was the American century, and the twenty-first will be the Chinese century. But this transfer of supremacy cannot happen peacefully. Many in the West thought that they had ‘won’ the Cold War in 1989 when the Soviet Union collapsed. But nothing could be further from the truth. That bitter, little KGB agent in the Kremlin knew he could never regain his beloved Soviet empire by conventional military means, oh no. But he could by subterfuge.

“You see, the purpose of Tump in the US and Brexit in the UK, although these are only the most obvious examples, was to make the people in those countries hate each other more than their true enemy: Russia. The Kremlin has sought to undermine and ultimately destroy every democracy in the world, in every way possible except via direct military confrontation. Until, that is, when the military confrontation would be on his terms. Today, Russia has begun the war that so many of us grew up in fear of in the 1970s and 1980s. But then, countries in the West were run by people who’d fought in the Second World War and who had seen and understood the barbarity of totalitarianism. However, they are all dead now. Today, the West is run by cowards and traitors. And these fools have ensured the West’s ultimate defeat. Russia is now all-but-certain to reconquer and brutalise the countries of central Europe once again.

“With the new ‘Axis’ powers of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea working together so effectively, we see clearly now how China, with Russia at its side, will become the most powerful country on Earth. This year, China will overtake the US militarily and economically, mainly due to the latter’s self-imposed isolationism and abandonment of all the values that millions of Americans, Europeans and others fought and died to defend 80 years ago. On the other hand, I may be wrong, so do get back to me at the end of 2025, thanks. Oh, and Happy New Year.”

This report from the future has been brought to you by TTZ, your time travel experts ready to meet all of your time travel needs!

14 thoughts on “News from nowhere: looking back at 2024

  1. Not a bright future and I hope it does not come to pass, but it certainly was interesting and entertaining reading.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m learning Swedish.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. acflory says:

    Oh you awful man! I thought the first 2025 was a typo. 😀 Then I twigged. I’d laugh, but honestly, the possibilities are too possible. I sincerely hope you’re wrong, and that people in 2025 don’t look back on this post and call you the second Nostradamus. -hugs-

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh, Chris. What a horrible nightmare! You’ve captured my worst fears. Like Andrea, I laughed, but I also wanted to throw up. Lol. I figure this year is going to bring more chaos and violence to the US, but I hope that by the end of it, Trump will begin his drift into the history books. That or I’ll be looking for a new country to call home. Wishing us both a much better new year than your dystopian projections. Let’s hope for a year of sanity, joy, and peace. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi, thanks for dropping by, D.! Yes, I think this year will be fraught to say the least. It will not be as I’ve written above. The military experts I follow say that China needs three years before it will be ready to invade Taiwan, and it’s common currency in Europe that Xi has told Putin that he will kill him if he uses nukes in Ukraine… for now, at any rate. I’m still shocked at how so many in the West still don’t realise that we are already in World War Three. Russia sees itself as at war with the entire West, whether the West likes it or not! And anyone in the West who is pro-Russia is a traitor, no question about it now (sorry for ranting).

      Liked by 1 person

      • Here in the West (the US anyway), half of us are consumed (and terrified) by Trump and the danger he represents. The other half… honestly, I don’t think they know what they want. But what they think they want is horrifying to contemplate. Things are scary here.

        Liked by 1 person

      • It defies belief that he’s even still in the game. Imagine if Clinton or Obama had paid off a porn star or gone bankrupt or done a hundredth of what that foul man has done (I’m old enough to remember a candidate called Gary Heart, by the way). Strange times with coward in the Kremlin pulling all of the strings, it seems.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Strange times indeed. We are a very very strange species.

        Liked by 1 person

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