Almost there

16/06/2024 by ChrisJamesAuthor

In only two weeks, the Kindle edition of Aftermath will go live. If you’ve already pre-ordered it, thank you. If you can’t wait the two weeks, the paperback is already available, although I don’t recommend buying it because it’s more money (only for you and Amazon, natch). The editing over the last few weeks went more quickly than I thought, possibly because it’s a slightly shorter novel than the others. On the plus side, it’s nice to have this last novel ready in plenty of time.

I’ll be back on publication day, in two weeks, to explain why Aftermath is probably going to be my last novel. In the meantime, I thought you might like to see some behind-the-scenes stuff. As readers, we obviously form our own images of the characters we read about, but here are some photos of complete strangers I took, and to whom I ascribed characters when I began The Repulse Chronicles. These are all people who happened to be in the Croatian town of Korcula in late July 2017. At the end, there is a picture of a sunrise over the Croatian countryside that I also took on that vacation, and which has been the background of my social media header images since then.

It’s been a long road, but the end is finally in sight.

First, some of the politicians:

English Prime Minister Dahra Napier:

Her Director of Communications Crispin Webb:

And the Head of MI5 David Perkins:

A few of the soldiers:

Colour Sergeant Rory Moore:

Captain Pip Clarke:

Sergeant Jack Heaton:

And two of the civilians:

Turkish engineering student Berat Kartal:

Trainee nurse Serena Rizzi:

And finally the sunrise:

Book Seven: Aftermath will publish on 30 June – pre-order now!

Book Six: Operation Repulse

Book Five: The Race against Time

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